Monday, November 5, 2018

go beyond average.



I don't want you to succinctly chose to accept the fate of millions who have resigned themselves to a normal life,

With a normal activities,
In the company of normal people ,
Striving for normal goals,

 at a normal pace ,with a normal motivation , with a normal education ,taught by normal teachers,

Who gave Normal grades,and live in normal homes ,with normal

 families, leaving a normal heritage for their children,

Who bury them in a normal grave .
What a normal tragedy!

      I want you to be conscious of this fact once more ,
You were designed to be:

..distinctive ,
..Irreplaceable and unique ,      
So refuse to be normal.
Go beyond average ! do not strive to be accepted strive to be yourself.

...©fredlink 2018

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Excuses that can weigh us down in real life


..If only I did have a wife and family..

..if only I had enough..

3.if only I had money ..

4.if only I had good    

5.if only I had time..

6.if only times were better..

6.if only I had good health..

7.if only other people understood me

8.if only conditions around me were better..

9.if only I could live my life over again..

10.if only I were younger..

11.if only I could do what
         I want..

12.if only I could meet the
           right people  ..

13.if only I had the talents some people have ..

14.if only I had been born rich

15. If only I had embraced past opportunities..

16.If only -and this is the greatest of them all - I had the courage to see myself as I really am,I would find out what is wrong with me and correct it .

Then I might have a chance to profit by my mistakes and learn something from the experiences of others .

I actually know that there is something wrong with me or I would now be where I would have been if I had spent more time analyzing my

 weaknesses, and less time building alibis or excuses to cover them.

           **C/O:FREDLINK 2018*

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

my personal profile

Ogbonnya fedrick is a graduate of Economics in olabisi onabanjo university ,Ago -iwoye,Ogun state Nigeria.
    Fedrick is a motivational speaker, a writer and an entrepreneur .his insightful teachings and counseling grace has been a source of inspiration and an encouragements to as many who have come across him,his vision is to empower the progress of communities, state and nation through;

..Helping people to
 discover and maximize their life purpose
..Empowering leaders to serve selflessly.

..empowering people through principle centered living.

..Relationship coach on the making.

He beliefs that definiteness of purpose is the chief-aim behind all men great

..Fedrick is the president of Africa development initiative (A D I)the off shoot of the Empowered Network in Lagos Nigeria,he is also in high demand as a speaker at conferences and seminars.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


It is impressive to recognize that all the great leaders in all works of life and during all

 periods of history, have attained their leadership by the application of their abilities behind a definite major purpose.

It is no less impressive to observe that those who are classified as failures have no such purpose,

But they go around and around ,like a ship without a rudder ,coming back always empty handed, to their starting point.

Some of these FAILURES begin with a definite major purpose, but they desert that purpose the moment they are over taken with temporary defeat or strenuous opposition.

They gave up and quit, not knowing that there is a philosophy of success which is dependable and as definite as the rules of mathematics, and never suspecting that

 temporary defeat is but a  testing grounds which may prove a blessing in disguise if it is not accepted as final.

It is one of the greatest tragedies of civilization that 98 out of every 100 people go all the way through life without coming within sight of anything even

 approximates definiteness of a major purpose! And it was Andrew Carnegie's recognition of this tragedy that inspired him to influence some 500 great American leaders of industry to collaborate in the organization of this philosophy of individual achievements.

Mr.Carnegie  first test, which he applied to all of his associate workers who where under consideration for  promotion to supervisory positions, was that of determining to what extent they where willing to go the EXTRA MILE .his second test was that  to determine whether or not they had their minds fixed upon a definite GOAL, including the necessary preparation for the attainments of that GOAL.

What is your one major purpose in this journey called .......


*fredlink inspires*


It is impressive to recognize that all the great leaders in all works of life and during all

 periods of history, have attained their leadership by the application of their abilities behind a definite major purpose.

It is no less impressive to observe that those who are classified as failures have no such purpose,

But they go around and around ,like a ship without a rudder ,coming back always empty handed, to their starting point.

Some of these FAILURES begin with a definite major purpose, but they desert that purpose the moment they are over taken with temporary defeat or strenuous opposition.

They gave up and quit, not knowing that there is a philosophy of success which is dependable and as definite as the rules of mathematics, and never suspecting that

 temporary defeat is but a  testing grounds which may prove a blessing in disguise if it is not accepted as final.

It is one of the greatest tragedies of civilization that 98 out of every 100 people go all the way through life without coming within sight of anything even

 approximates definiteness of a major purpose! And it was Andrew Carnegie's recognition of this tragedy that inspired him to influence some 500 great American leaders of industry to collaborate in the organization of this philosophy of individual achievements.

Mr.Carnegie  first test, which he applied to all of his associate workers who where under consideration for  promotion to supervisory positions, was that of determining to what extent they where willing to go the EXTRA MILE .his second test was that  to determine whether or not they had their minds fixed upon a definite GOAL, including the necessary preparation for the attainments of that GOAL.

What is your one major purpose in this journey called .......


*fredlink inspires*


Monday, October 22, 2018


life may be properly called a great drama in which good showmanship is of the utmost importance.

Successful people in all callings are generally good showmen,meaning they practice the habits of catering or playing to the crowd.

Let us compare some well -known historical figures from different areas on the subject of their showmanship.

The following  men once enjoyed outstanding success in their respective callings ,because their GENIUS and invention was heightened by their good showmanship.

..Theodor Roosevelt
..Henry Ford
..Thomas A.Edison.
Billy Sunday
..William Randolph Hearst
..George Bernard shaw.

         The following is a list of some well-known men ,each famous for great ability but falling short on the Score of good showmanship by comparison with the foregoing list;

..woodrow Wilson
..Calvin Coolidge
..Herbert Hoover
..Abraham Lincoln.

**Fredlink guides.****

Showing good showmanship

Sunday, October 21, 2018

The history of the founding fathers.

**Domino's Pizza* Founder Tom Monaghan Biography
**Thomas Stephen**

 Monaghan was born in 1937 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. His father died when he was four years old, and, two years later, his mother placed him and his younger brother James in an orphanage run by an order of nuns, the Felician Sisters.

Although his mother was later able to raise the

 boys on her own, the nuns had a tremendous effect on Monaghan, leading him to consider becoming a priest. At the time, though, he did not have the necessary discipline and was expelled from the

 seminary. He gained a better sense of discipline by serving three years in the U.S. Marine Corps.

The Beginnings of

 Domino's Pizza
Upon his discharge in 1959, Monaghan returned to Ann Arbor and enrolled in the nearby University of Michigan.

 He studied to become an architect, inspired by the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. In 1960, however, he and his brother James borrowed $500 to buy a pizzeria in nearby Ypsilanti.

The previous owners were named Dominic and Nick, and it was called DomiNick’s. Tom

 changed the name to Domino’s Pizza, and after growing it to four stores bought out his brother by trading a Volkswagen Beetle for his brother's part of the business.

The stores were losing money, but with his experience in the college town, Tom Monaghan knew how to, literally, cater to them. He dropped sandwiches from the menu and focused on the pizzas and their delivery.

He invented an insulated box that would not only keep the pizza warm but also support the weight of multiple boxes on top of it, allowing several to be delivered at once, without the box’s lid sagging and causing the cheese to be stuck to the top.

Monaghan’s emphasis on delivery led him, in 1973, to institute the guarantee of having a

 pizza delivered within 30 minutes of a phone order being placed, or the order would be free. Domino’s took off as a result of its improved delivery

 system. Monaghan was able to spread his stores all over North America.

The ten major attributes of leaders.


....unwavering courage.

..self- control

..A keen sense of Justice

..Definiteness of decision.

..Definiteness of plans

..The habit of doing more than paid for

..A pleasing personality

..Sympathy and understanding.

..mastery of details.

..willingness to assume full Responsibility


         ..EVERY LEADER Is expected to exercise this in all works of life.

most habits that might be killing you without knowing.

**Four Habits That May Be Affecting Your Brain Health****-

A number of everyday habits ranging from skipping a morning work to those numerous bedtime snacks can have a serious impact on your brain health. Here are the common habits that may be speeding the decline of your brain health.
You Drink Too Much
As far as your brain is concerned, there’s a big difference between enjoying a glass of wine with dinner and

 consuming a lot of bottles. A study conducted in 2012 at Rutgers University used rats to model “moderate to heavy drinking” defined as a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent.

The production of nerve cells in the brain’s hippocampus (the region involved in certain types of learning) of the drunk rodents dropped by almost 40 percent. In the long term this type of behavior could have an adverse effect on learning and memory.
Failing To Care For Your Heart

Heart health is directly connected to brain health. You usually know what’s good for your heart is good for your brain. If your heart is stressed and strained and your brain is not getting proper blood flow, it’s going to age more rapidly.

A 2017 study in JAMA Neurology found that middle-aged individuals with vascular risk factors such as hypertension or diabetes were more likely to develop dementia as they got older.

Failing To Walk

Normal aging brings brain changes that slow cognitive function as some brain regions shrink, communication between neurons may decrease, blood flow in the brain may lessen, and inflammation could increase.

However, certain daily habits may accelerate this brain aging—and there is something you can do about that. Physical activity, managing the risk factors for cardiovascular

 disease (i.e., high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking), getting sufficient sleep, are all good for other health reasons and may be helpful for the brain.
Additional practices such as staying socially active, treating depression, and avoiding excessive

 alcohol consumption may also be beneficial for your brain health.
Failing To Protect Your Ears

Hearing loss is linked to dementia. A 2011 study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the

 National Institute on Aging found that senior citizens with hearing loss were “significantly more likely to develop dementia.”

It’s possible that the strain of struggling to hear could overburden the brain or that hearing loss could lead to social isolation, which is an acknowledged risk factor

 for dementia. Protect your hearing as best as you can.