Thursday, October 25, 2018


It is impressive to recognize that all the great leaders in all works of life and during all

 periods of history, have attained their leadership by the application of their abilities behind a definite major purpose.

It is no less impressive to observe that those who are classified as failures have no such purpose,

But they go around and around ,like a ship without a rudder ,coming back always empty handed, to their starting point.

Some of these FAILURES begin with a definite major purpose, but they desert that purpose the moment they are over taken with temporary defeat or strenuous opposition.

They gave up and quit, not knowing that there is a philosophy of success which is dependable and as definite as the rules of mathematics, and never suspecting that

 temporary defeat is but a  testing grounds which may prove a blessing in disguise if it is not accepted as final.

It is one of the greatest tragedies of civilization that 98 out of every 100 people go all the way through life without coming within sight of anything even

 approximates definiteness of a major purpose! And it was Andrew Carnegie's recognition of this tragedy that inspired him to influence some 500 great American leaders of industry to collaborate in the organization of this philosophy of individual achievements.

Mr.Carnegie  first test, which he applied to all of his associate workers who where under consideration for  promotion to supervisory positions, was that of determining to what extent they where willing to go the EXTRA MILE .his second test was that  to determine whether or not they had their minds fixed upon a definite GOAL, including the necessary preparation for the attainments of that GOAL.

What is your one major purpose in this journey called .......


*fredlink inspires*

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